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Tuition and Hours

(Rates and hours subject to change)

Tuition discounts will be offered for referrals that lead to enrollment.

Core Program

Preschool / Kindergarten:  $1250 per month

8:45a - 4:15p

1st-6th Grade:  $2000 per month

Negotiable: as low as $800 or less based on need/merit

8:30a - 4:15p

After Care

$275 per month

4:15p - 6:00p

Before Care

$125 per month for Pre/K

8:00a - 8:45a

$75 per month for Elementary

8:00a - 8:30a

Early Bird

$400 per month

7:00a - 8:45a

More Information

If you would like to attend an information session or speak to our team about enrollment, please fill out the information form.

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